CBS Miami Spotlights ReServe: Harnessing the Power of Adults 50 & Older

CBS Miami recently aired a spot on ReServe, and ReServist Asunción Marin on their news segment: Miami Proud. Click here to view the clip. 

Prior to becoming a ReServist, Ms. Marin has been a marketer, manager, wife, mother, and grandmother. She juggled it all successfully, but after selling her last business, a sandwich shop franchise, she wondered what to do next.   

“The one thing is constant is knowing that I wasn’t staying home! I don’t care what age I am as long as I have the energy and the impetus to be able to continue, I want to stay busy,” she said.   

 ReServe Executive Director Ed Bolognini gave viewers an overview of ReServe’s history and mission. “Women and men who are over 50 face all sorts of passive and overt age discrimination – folks don’t even get a response to an application for work,” he said. “ReServe pairs ready to work adults with nonprofits and government agency partners who need help, with part-time positions in varying roles.”   

 For Ms. Marin, Reserve has proved to be a perfect fit. She works 20 hours a week as a ReServist, keeping her skills sharp, and learns new ones. “I had never written grants and I became quite proficient in writing grants. It keeps your mind busy and keeps her engaged. I stay busy and have time for my family.  If I can continue to help and give back, that’s a wonderful way to be.”

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